Villages of Southport
Orlando, Florida


Declaration of Mandatory HOA
This community has a MANDATORY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA) and what that means is that every month the Homeowner pays into the Association dues the amount of $125.73 for the year of 2024. MAKE A PAYMENT>

There is a 10 day grace period, after which a late fee of $10.00. If no payments are received for 90 days, your account will be turned over to our attorney (no exceptions) for collection — this could lead to a foreclosure of your home. Once the account is in the attorney’s hands, the HOA has no further involvement. It's the responsibility of the homeowner to make the payment on time.

Spectrum Networks Channel Lineup

Community Channels
The Villages of Southport has three cable channels for informing the community.
  • 732 in English
  • 733 en Espanol and HBO
  • 701 Digital

Lawn Maintenance

Lawn Maintenance Schedule

Malibu Village Monday
Portsmouth Village Tuesday
Schooner Village Wednesday
Island Village Thursday/
Bermuda Village Friday
  • You must put away garden hoses on scheduled date. If not, the lawn will not be cut and you will be responsible for cutting your lawn.
  • Lawn by walkway area will be edged throughout the community by our contractor for uniformity - without exception.
Landscaping Program (.pdf)
Programa Corte de Grama en Southport (.pdf)

Swimming Pool Form and Key in the Office
Keys will only be given to the homeowner. Homeowner shall transfer the pool key, pool access card, to future prospect when selling their house. The key and pool access card will only be given to the home owner. Lost key fee is $55.00. Lost pool access card fee is $25.00.

If you call the Orlando Police to report any incident in the pools you need to give the correct address:
Malibu Pool 3345 Oak Bluff Dr.
Bermuda Pool 9101 Great Sound Dr.

Teen Activity Center Rental
8760 Wichita Place

Are rented only to homeowners.

The Teen Center is rented from: 9:00am to 11:30pm, closed and clean.

  • $200.00 INCIDENTIALS DEPOSIT (Money Order)
  • $100.00 KEY DEPOSIT (Money Order)
  • $100.00 CLEANING DEPOSIT (Money Order)
  • $30.00 PER HOUR (Money Order) Minimum 5hr rental.

It will be at the discretion HOA representative after conducting a satisfactory inspection of the facility that he/she will determine if a refund of deposits will be returned to the homeowners.

You must be up to date on your HOA payment in order to rent the facility.

As of 3/25/09 the cleaning deposit is a money order of $100.00, which will be returned if the Center is returned in clean condition.

Only homeowners will be allowed to rent the facility.

No reservations or information by phone.

If we find that you rented the location for a person outside the community, you will be restricted from using the Teen Activity Center for the rest of the year.

Activity parking is in the back of the building.

If you are a renter or leassee, you must have all your paperwork in order with the Southport office, and the homeowner must do all the rental process under the homeowner's name.

Any damage to the buildings, recreational facilities or other common areas or equipment caused by the renter or leassee is the responsibility of the homeowner.

Common elements shall not be obstructed, littered, defaced or misused."

El Teen Activity Center solo se reserve al momento de recibir los depositos requeridos
No se reserva ni se da información por teléfono.

Rental Property
As stated in the Documents in Article XV 15.2.2
If you are looking to rent (Lease) your property you are required to provide the following information to the Association for approval BEFORE YOU LEASE YOUR PROPERTY:

  • Copy of the lease (1 Year) and personal information of all occupants
  • New information of homeowner’s addresses and phone contact number
  • Background checks information of all occupants over 18 years of age conducted at the Southport Homeowner’s Association Office.

8740 Wichita Place Orlando, FL 32827
Phone: 407-251-0544

There will be a $50.00 processing fee per person,  that must be paid by money order at the time of the background check.

Your immediate cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated by the Association. 

This is normal practice; please consult your CC&R, s page 46/47.
Failure to provide the required information will result in this matter being turned over to legal counsel. Should this become necessary, the Association will assess all attorneys’ fees and costs against your Lot pursuant to State Statutes and the terms of the Declaration.

If the lease expires you must also update the information in a timely manner.

This is a very serious matter and requires your immediate attention. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 407-251-0544.

Community Facility (Click image to Enlarge)

Site Plan (Click image to Enlarge)